Friday, November 12, 2010

Character Designs

A friend and I just started creating a new comic/graphic novel. We're still in the beginning stages, and I've been working on some character designs. Below are some pre-vis sketches for the main character (the guy) and a secondary character (the chick), as well as some props and what not...

all images © Laura Terhune

Skull Mask


I just realized that I forgot to upload the finished piece. 
(made of polymer clay and acrylic paint)
I created it to go with my Voodoo Witch costume for Halloween this year.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Illustration Friday: Spooky

I made these tarot card illustrations a while ago, but they fit this weeks Illustration Friday topic "Spooky", so I thought I'd post 'em...  (click for larger image)

ⓒ LauraTerhune

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Work in Progress

I'm working on a skull mask for my halloween costume.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Elephants in the room...

Well, I finished the color on my elephant image...

I've had a soft spot for elephants ever since pre-school. I used to watch "Sharon, Lois and Bram's Elephant Show" everyday, while hugging my stuffed-pal "Ellie."

ⓒ Laura Terhune

Monday, October 11, 2010


ⓒ Laura Terhune 
I sketched this the other day while I was watching tv. It's totally different from my usual style, but I thought it had an interesting look - so I colored it.

Friday, October 1, 2010


My scanner is magically working again! Here's a sketch of an illustration I'm working on...

© Laura Terhune

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Funny Lookin' Bunnies!

I had a dream that I had a rabbit named "Broccoli" - So I decided to draw some funny lookin' bunnies! I think the orange one is my favorite. He looks like a little kid who's about to ask his mom a stupid question...

ⓒ Laura Terhune

Illustration Friday: Old Fashioned

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is a character I made a while back. He was inspired by the poem "The Scroobious Pip" by Edward Lear

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010


for Illustration Friday's topic this week, "slither."
© Laura Terhune

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Here are a couple images I drew for a story concept in my storyboarding class. It was about some kids and their dog... who venture into an abandoned house to find it still has an occupant or two. My time spent in Savannah has definitely been an inspiration for me. (click for larger image)


My sketch for this week's Illustration Friday topic : "slither."

I sketched it yesterday. I'm gonna try to get it into full color tonight...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Arbor Slug

I sculpted this little guy a while back... but he's kind of my mascot, so I thought he deserved a place here. His eyes flower, fall, and re-grow like fruit.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tea Party!

Who better to have a frilly, girly tea party with than a surly iguana?...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep Sea Sketching

This is my last quarter at the Savannah College of Art and Design. One of my electives this quarter is "Drawing for Storyboarding." The story I'm currently working on is about 3 teens who go on a scuba diving adventure in search of a mythical sea monster. Here are some of my sketches so far...

all images © Laura Terhune

Some of my previous work:

These illustrations were drawn on 100% recycled paper, and colored digitally.
all images © Laura Terhune


Hello! I'm Laura. I am an illustrator from Centerville, Ohio. Drawing has always been my passion, and I tend to focus that passion in the general direction of art for children's publications. I have created this blog to share my art and thoughts with the public. I hope it brings you joy!